I Second that Life

Sunday, May 22, 2005

A Thank You.

I used to pride myself in being one of those who wasn't a shopper. I was pretty faithful for about the first eight months of my SL life. I guess I was what people call a window shopper. I would wonder around, find things I liked but could never make myself buy anything. Then, I just did it. Closed my eyes and pressed the BUY button. I've never turned back.

I guess I do have a couple people to blame for it. Mistress Midnight and Torrid Midnight. I just can't stop myself from buying their products. They are amazing designers and I gladly give my Linden for their hard work. I applaud them and look to them as inspiration. They make me want to become a better designer. I could only dream to one day be seen as a peer to them.

Thank you for your work, time and passion in the industry. It's you, who makes SL what it is...


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