I Second that Life

Monday, October 31, 2005

Getting back in the swing of things.

Wow, it's been a while, eh? RL has been a bit rocky lately. Hence, my absence. I'm living with my parents for a while and I'm not able to get on much because they don't "agree" with the "game". They are quite the conservative bunch of folk. When I get my own place, I hope to get back up with the clothing stuff. I really miss it. I've gotten back into my rentals. They are doing quite well. I had to switch my rental system. I was using the Gigas one but it didn't sent inworld notifications of when rent was due. Hence, more work for me that I never got around to. Most people just ended up staying for free. I switched back to the Rent-O-Matic and things are going smoothly again. Hope fully I can keep this blog up. I just get lazy.

OH, Happy Halloween!!

Ciao for now.


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