I Second that Life

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Stupid Events

Shoot....I had just wrote a whole long post and lost it all....Let's start ever...

Stupid events, AKA, Best Dressed, Sexiest AV, Devil/Angel CONTESTS. I HATE them. Hence, I didn't attend any events today because I was disgusted. It's hard to find an intelligent event to go to now days that doesn't include the vulgar and filth that goes along with most events. I saw a church event posted once...Maybe I need to start going to those.Sheesh

Anyway, I did accomplish at least one thing in game today. I built my store. So now I'm official and searchable in the find places. Let's see if I can boost my sales now. Guess I need to design my little butt off this next week. Wait I can't..Shoot..My family is coming this week...Oh well, raincheck it.

I'm kinda stuck right now anyway. I'm trying to design a shirt that only has one sleeve. BUT, the templates don't allow it. It only allows you to design one sleeve and it duplicates that on both sleeves. I could make it work if in the appearance editor each sleeve was editable. Oh well, guess I might have to alter my design.

I've been trying to take pictures while I'm in world so I could post them here and show you some of my things and interests..Lets see if I can figure it out...

This is one of my favorite past times in SecondLife. Playing Bingo. Don't win very often though....But when I do...IT'S HUGE! :)

This is the dining room in my house. I'm sharing my peanut butter cookies with my good friend Don.

Ok, that was a pain...Well, till next time!

Friday, November 19, 2004


Had a good day today in game. I set up another store and a club called Teazers. It gets high traffic so I figured that it would be worth the 50L/week. After I set up shop I went for a game of Bingo. Never win these things but it's always fun. Well, to my surprise I won! 335L! Not much but who's complaining? NOT ME! After I won one of my really good friends IMed me and told me that her and the guy that I introduced her to got married. HOLY COW. That's awesome!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Olde London and Neverland

Celebrating 100 years of Peter Pan? I don't know. SecondLife has put a team together to recreate Olde London and Neverland for a finite time. I went to Olde London today and I'm quite impressed. Authentic clothing, available to all visitors, also sets the setting. I didn't have time to visit Neverland today but I will ASAP because I'm sure it is magical...can't wait. Will tell more soon....didn't get to spend much time there.

Something GROOVY comes my way


This is my hobby now a days. If you aren't a member...check it out (just make sure you put my name in as the referal:HeatherDawn Cohen :D) It's a virtual world where you imagination is the limit. It's a place where you can be yourself or the person you've always wanted to be. I want to start posting either daily or weekly events as I live my second life in there. We'll see what happens.