I Second that Life

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Up and Running

I got the business up and running. Dawning Concept is out and known. I'm doing pretty good too. I'm reaching my goals, which means I only need to set them higher now. I'm loving it and its very rewarding. Dawning Estates is keeping it's head up too. With the new land investment, I was able to put up a new townhouse. I've been keeping them full and I have a few residence who have been in for the long haul.

I got a RL job recently that has decreased my in world time. I guess its nice for me to "get out" but I'm really missing it. I do have photoshop here at work though, so I could be working on content. It just a pain to get everything mobil. I NEED A LAPTOP.

Bye for now, and happy Second Lifing.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

What did I do?

I've been looking for land in Green for quite a while so I could fill up my $25/month tier. FINALLY some land came up for sale. It was my next door neighbor's land. But, the only problem is that it surpassed my allotted tier. So what did I do? I upped my tier. AHHHH. Oh well, I guess if it's too much I can just sell some of it off.

I'm getting closer to the Grand Opening of my clothing line. The store is built. The clothing is almost done. Oh, I also decided to add some contemporary furniture. I'm really excited about getting done and to see my goals be reached. What will I do after I've reached them though? How about an ISLAND!

With my new acquire land I was able to put more town homes up for rent. I'm not doing so well right now though. It just seems no one is looking to rent anymore. I've had one open for almost a week now. It's never taken that long to get a place rented out. They usually we taken up just hours after they had been vacated. Maybe it's just a temporary economy slump. If it goes down the drain though, I for sure will sell A LOT of my land.

Well, that's all for now. Happy SecondLifing!